Emilia Kina

Emilia Kina’s pain­tings com­bine erudition and aesthetic appeal. Their sour­ces are in lie in the theory of pain­ting and depic­tion, but the essence lies in the relations between painting/image and painting/object. Here the Renais­sance metaphor coined by Leon Alberti of the pain­ting as a window takes on an intriguing con­tem­porary form. Kina’s pain­tings call to mind screens, cur­tains and blinds, which like a room divider con­ceal the view. The figure of the window is treated here literally as a material frame, more an element of stage design than a frame from reality.

Emilia Kina graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków in 2015. She has regularly exhibited since then, among other things executing joint projects with Filip Ryb­kow­ski. Her works have joined the col­lec­tion of the National Museum in Gdańsk. 

Courtesy of RASTER