Delphine Gigoux-Martin

Delphine Gigoux-Martin uses the animal figure as a fairytale. She imagines, models, and designs wonderfully absurd situations. She realizes both the emotional, aesthetic, symbolic of animals with their vital reality of food. Gigoux-Martin’s work is based on the virtuoso simplicity of charcoal drawing she practices in and outside of the traditional paper format. She makes spectacular still drawing walls as well as handmade motion cartoons or immaterial shadow drawings. She often superimposes her drawings to different techniques: porcelain or taxidermy sculptures cast their dense immateriality shadow, in the cartoons projections light beam. Some works can be activated during dînatoires, interactive performances staged by the artist.

Her works have been exhibited at institutions such as Les Abattoirs in Toulouse, Art Center Matarazzo in Sao Paulo, Frac Pays de Loire, and the French cultural center of Madrid.

Courtesy of Galerie Metropolis