Anthony DeMelas

"When I think of a second home or family, I trace back to my history growing up in center city, my education, and being a part of Pentimenti. I’ve been with Pentimenti since it’s inception and Christine has been by my side through thick and thin. I owe my dedication to making art to my parents, my mother who always found ways to generate money through her art, my father who continuously was drawing on anything he could find, and my uncle; who taught at the city college in NYC; who stored incredible ink drawings under my bed. This was my upbringing; surrounded by artists who inspired me, born and bred in Philly, my whole life. I’ve always predicted myself to work on art everyday at a very early age. It wasn’t until my late twenties that I decided to attend the Academy of Fine Arts. In my senior year, I won the traveling scholarship to travel to Europe. The trip to Europe was not my first, so it was a great opportunity for me to focus on my art, and return home with new insights."

Anthony DeMelas, Courtesy of Pentimenti Gallery