Carey Maxon

Carey Maxon uses abstract form to enter a realm where metaphysical underpinnings are palpable.  She draws limitless energy from impressions of natural growth and industrious human activity.  Sustained interests in psychology and agriculture along with a certain self-imposed isolation have accompanied her practice since 2001. “I’m constantly learning new things. Be it health-related or a new language — logistical and personal challenges leave no room for boredom. Making my artwork has always felt distinctly safe.  It’s an escape from all the gory details. Thrilling and innocent, with no agenda.” A series of works, Maxon began while living on a farm in Tuscany and continued while living in Brooklyn were shown at Pierogi Gallery in Brooklyn. These works entered museum collections in New York by 2004. Born in Fairfax, California in 1978, Carey Maxon spent nearly 20 years in New York City before establishing residence in Italy.

Courtesy of Derriere L'Etoile Studios