Holly Miller

Holly Miller is an American abstract artist whose paintings strive to merge the optical with the tactile through the language of abstraction. Born in Buffalo, NY, the artist grew up in Rome, Italy in the late 60's and early 70's. Aged twenty, the young artist moved back to the US to study drawing, painting, and sculpture at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) where she obtained her Bachelor of Fine Arts in the year of 1984.

After a long journey of experimenting, the artist started getting involved with thread - a material that has properties of drawing yet is tactile and sculptural, that relates to canvas, and carries endless metaphors.  She found a visual medium that combined drawing, painting and sculpture and yet remained simple and humble. The paintings have a physicality that is described through the monochromatic brush strokes and the punctured holes of the drawn lines that pierce the surface of the canvas, yet from a distance, they appear to be flat and suggest a fine line drawing. As one approaches the paintings an element of surprise is revealed and one is inspired to look closer and question the original assumption or expectation.