Jean-Xavier Renaud

Jean-Xavier Renaud’s paintings are satirical critiques of today’s visual landscape. A contemporary expression of the surreal, his pictures combine incongruous geographies, time periods, and cultural references. Whether depicting his picturesque life in a mountainous village in France or Hollywood celebrities such as Emma Watson and Reese Witherspoon, brushed washes of kaleidoscopic watercolors give his subjects a dream-like quality that often gives way to irony or wry humor.

He has had solo exhibitions at Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris, Modern and Contemporary Art Museum of Strasburg, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Lacoux in Hauteville-Lompnes, Galerie Dukan in Leibzig, and Zabriskie Point in Geneva, among others. His work has been included in group exhibitions presented by institutions such as Palais de Tokyo in Paris, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Institut d’Art Contemporain in Villeurbanne/Lyon, and Salon du dessin contemporain in Paris.