Chiara Ibrah

Chiara Ibrah is a visual artist based in Brooklyn. Allegorical imagery and visual puns are recurring motifs in her multimedia work, for which she combines contrasting mediums to further the visual narrative. In much of her recent work, she dissects themes of love and loss in order to draw parallels between those opposing forces. Daffy Scanlan is an artist from New Jersey and currently based in New York. Her work explores the transportation of antiques through time and space, paying tribute to the neglect and ultimate disembodiment of un-new objects. She combines cracked and broken textures with antiquated color stories, creating portals into a canon of abuse and trauma. Under the moniker Drumloop, Scanlan collages micronized bits of language with piano and digital synthesis to create sonic representations of her internal universe. Her debut EP, Revenge Body, was recently released by Sweat Equity.

Courtesy of Lubov