William Stockman

William Stockman digests the world of imagery around him. Drawing from pictorial content sifted from mass media as well as his own experiences, he strips away the specificity of a particular narrative in favor of archetype, allegory and the ineffability of gesture. Processing through the hand in real-time as he reads through the newspaper, Stockman often inserts his own iconographies to these impersonal images. This daily ritual results in haunting barebones charcoal drawings depicting both personal and universal reworking's of external events. Athletes, politicians, disaster victims and celebrities alike find themselves born again in an equalized world of stark vulnerability. Recast as hard-edged apparitions, these ghostly beings wander through a purgatory of non-space filled with mysteriously familiar symbols.

Stockman has shown his drawings in several solo exhibitions including Gildar Gallery, Denver, Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, and Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder. Group exhibitions include Denver Art Museum, Denver, and Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, Arvada. 

Courtesy of Gildar Gallery